 *Dion Hinchcliffeの2008年のWeb 2.0予想 [#o4048c75]
 -ブログの更新頻度は高いとはいえないが、Web 2.0草創期から読み応えのある論考を書いているDion Hinchcliffe氏。年初にずばり“2008年のWeb 2.0予想”というテーマの記事があったので、ちょっとレビューしてみる。
 -Web 2.0 Predictions for 2008 [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]
 *Web 2.0 Predictions for 2008 [#te56c813]
 -Open APIs finally go beyond free as successful business models emerge.
 -Rich Internet Application (RIA) platforms such as Adobe AIR and Microsoft's Silverlight get major traction as the development of non-trivial Web applications in Ajax remains difficult and time-consuming. 
 --AjaxはRIAを作るのに工数がかかるので、Adobe AIRやSilverlightのような開発環境が受ける。ただしSEO、アクセス解析、アクセシビリティ、ネットワーク効果などで問題を残す。
 -Google's product strategy begins to coalesce into a mostly coherent picture, though a few big pieces won't fit into the puzzle. 
 -The Web 2.0 industry consolidates as it begins to mature. 
 --Web 2.0産業は成熟に近づく。
 -End-user mashups will be a reality but adoption will be slow for most of the year as users take time coming to grips with the possibilities and mindset. 
 -The Web widget format wars will ensue as Google Gadgets/OpenSocial takes on just about everyone else.  No one will win yet. 
 --ウィジェットの規格争いがGoogle Gadgets/OpenSocialの普及の結果起こる(?)。勝者は確定しない。
 -COLOR(red):中野注釈:オープンSNSがなく、代わりにBlogosphereにブログパーツが普及した日本ではちょっと事情が違うけど。W3C's Widgetも挙げられてるけど、どうなるんだろう。
 -Page view "inventories" for online advertising continues to fall short of demand, even if an economic downturn takes place. 
 -Web-based Software as a service (SaaS), aka Office 2.0, continues to encounter serious challenges but grows at a record pace anyway. 
 --SaasやOffice 2.0的な動きは、オフライン作業などが鍵だが、Google GearsやEtelosは解決している。SaaSは大きな動きになる。
 -A wave of new killer mobile Web applications (and their startups) appear, spurred by the iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK) and ever more untethered workers. 
 -- iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK)などの登場で、キラーなモバイルアプリが登場する。
 -The first Android-powered phones will fail to impress and a decent, though not spectacular, iPhone upgrade keeps Apple ahead of the industry. 
 -# Social media begins to grow up, leading to the first significant onset of Web 2.0 versions of talent agents, production companies, and other supply/demand enablers.
 -Leading social networking sites MySpace and Facebook continue to maintain their traffic but struggle to ignite significant revenue growth. 
 -The Web moves into the living room as sites like Hulu and others make it practical and rewarding to participate on the Web using a large screen for entertainment. 
 -The first generation of pure Web 2.0 auteurs emerge, creating social media and user-centric online experiences that are highly imaginative and popular, but difficult to access for the non-digitally literate. 
 --ノンテクではないが、セミテクニカルな人がWeb 2.0を享受し、その強みを活かし、作家性の高いメディアや体験を作り出す人々が出てくる。
 -Update: Ownership of data contributed to Web 2.0 sites becomes a growing public relations issue, though the average user won't care much this year. 
 --一般ユーザーは気にしないが、Web 2.0型サイトでつくられたデータの所有権の問題が関心ごとになってくる。

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